Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's a jungle out there!

Trend alert: gorilla shirt! Gorilla printed items have been spotted on singer, Rihanna, and blogger, Jane Aldridge (of In addition, Christopher Kane has designed a line of gorilla printed shirts as part of spring/summer '09 collection. He told "I have always intended on doing a small T-shirt line to sit alongside the ready-to-wear collection and the monkey story was perfect to start with as it looks great on both men and women." I couldn't agree more, I think this look very fun and bold. With the recent popularity of animal prints and safari inspired styles, who says the animal printed clothes can't be the big think next? Keep on reading!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jacqueline Kennedy Style

I have been meaning to upload these pictures of Jacqueline Kennedy for a while! Jacqueline Kennedy is one of my favorite style icons. What she wears is so timeless and classic and she always seems to be dressed perfectly for whatever occasion. One of the most important things about her clothes is that it nevers "wears her", but instead "she wears the clothes", meaning that she always dresses to accentuate her physic and stays away from trendy pieces. Also, she does this by wearing tailored pieces, usually without prints. Although Jacqueline steered far from trends, she herself was a trendstetter. The pillbox hat, the double strands of pearls, the kerchief tied around her chin; all were pieces that Jackie loved and the public loved to copy. Keep on reading....I hope to blog about more style icons soon!
